Kiwi Light
Kiwi Kooler
Gin with Fresh Cold Pressed Kiwi and Lemongrass Juice, Kiwi Syrup and Black Sesame
Fresh kiwi juice balanced with our in-house kiwi syrup for a soothing finish. Fresh lemongrass adds bright lemon flavor. Botanicals from the gin round out and accentuate the refreshing sweet kiwi from beginning to end.
Here is the exact recipe (in oz's), no additives, artificial ingredients, flavorings or colorants - just pure cocktail goodness:
Gin 2.39 -
Water 0.44 -
Simple syrup 0.31 -
Kiwi puree 0.72 -
Kiwi juice 2.18 -
Lemongrass juice 0.34 -
Salt Drops
Out of Stock
Fresh Cold Pressed Kiwi and Lemongrass Juice, Kiwi Syrup and Black Sesame with Gin
the background
Kiwi Dream
Fresh kiwi juice balanced with our in-house kiwi syrup for a soothing finish. Fresh lemongrass adds an brght lemon flavor. Botanicals from the gin round out and accentuate the refreshing sweet kiwi from beginning to end.